Monday, January 30, 2012

My Top 10 Quotes for Living Well!

Over the years many people have offered their models of the "Good Life", and some have left quotes that nicely summarize important truths. The following are ten of my personal favorites.
  1. Know Thyself. - Socrates. From ancient Greece comes this reminder that introspection, keeping a journal, paying attention to the heart of things, comes first. Before we can know the world around us, and make reasonable decisions about our roles and goals, it seems we must first come to grips with who we are and what we value.

  2. To Thine Own Self Be True. - Shakespeare. In life there is no substitute for integrity. My grandmother was fond of saying, "We either stand for something, or we'll fall for anything." Integrity is about going beyond the truth to full and complete honesty, openness and fairness.

  3. And the Greatest of These is Love. - St Paul. He also observed that "without love I am just a clanging symbol or a noisy gong." Without love, caring relationships, and compassion, life is indeed a dry and shallow thing.

  4. Imagination Rules the World. - Albert Einstein. The good life is at least partly based on dreams that are worthy of us, dreams that elevate and challenge and inspire our best. Bobby Kennedy noted, "Others look at the world and ask, 'Why?' I dream of a world that never was and ask, 'Why not?'" Martin Luther King's defiant cry, "I have a dream!" will live long after most of us are gone and forgotten.

  5. Too much of a good thing is wonderful! - Mae West. The good life is about living large, about expressing the joy and love of life. It's about song, exuberance, and about taking chances, and "going for it".

  6. Opportunities multiply as they are seized. - SunTzu. Success depends on the courage to act, and courage in turn requires a level of faith that every opportunity acted upon will lead to more and better ways to serve, learn, grow and prosper.

  7. Do, or do not. There is no "try". - Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back). Life requires action, boldness and decisiveness. Mae West also observed, "He who hesitates is a damned fool."

  8. Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. - Antoine de St. Exupery. Henry Thoreau recommended, "Simplify, simplify, simplify. Let your concerns be as 2 or 3, no more." Friends, work, the media and this thing called the Internet, along with our own "wish lists" try to seduce us to complexity, busy-ness and anxiety. Keep it simple!

  9. The artist is nothing without gift, but gift is nothing without work - Emile Zola. Only focused, intelligent, diligent effort turns potential into reality. Without creative effort, talent and "gift" seem to atrophy and die. Truly a case of "use it or lose it".

  10. There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein. I highly recommend practicing the attitude of gratitude. What else is there?
"Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: " 

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Systems Beat Goals, Every Time!

The problem with goals is that they are always in the future. They are something to be worked on and achieved as soon as possible, but always in the future. Systems support us and enrich our lives immediately, today, right NOW!
Would You Rather Have Goals or Systems?
This is the time of year when almost everyone sets goals and targets for the new year, and that is a GOOD thing! Always be clear about where you're going! Always have a destination, an outcome, a "next step" or target in mind. If you don't choose your goals in life, you are doomed to live without direction or purpose. Always know "what's next" in life!
At the same time, here's an interesting question: Would you rather have goals, or systems that automatically take you where you want to go in life?
I think the answer is obvious, but few people seem to really "get it."
Goals are wonderful. As I just wrote, goals are good! But systems are better.
The problem with goals is that they are always in the future. They are something to be worked on and achieved as soon as possible, but always in the future. Systems support us and enrich our lives immediately, today, right NOW!
Because they are in the future, goals can be easier to create than systems. Goals sound nice, and there's a kind of safety in knowing that we have goals "down the road" without having to disrupt our lives today.
New systems, on the other hand, can disrupt our lives, and sometimes upset important people around us. A goal to start a business "soon" is very different than coming home late every night because we're working on it. A goal to be slim, trim and strong "this year" is very different than adding a daily workout to your already busy schedule.
Systems (or habits) are the golden path to anything we want in life. Once you establish the system or pattern of daily exercise, fitness is no longer a goal. It becomes the automatic, inevitable result of what you "normally" do every single day. Fitness is a "side effect" of your system!
This is true of just about anything you want in life. My bias is that no one should set a "goal" to start saving! Instead, decide to save, then develop a system to IMMEDIATELY make saving automatic, fool-proof and easy. Join a payroll savings plan that makes it very hard NOT to save, and do it today.
Never set a "goal" to improve your marriage! Instead, develop a system that includes quality time every single day. Establish a system of weekly dates. Develop habits, ("systems") of careful listening, gentle sharing, and lots of hugs that will predictably lead to the results you prefer.
Systems beat goals every time!
Year after year, I have clients who are eager to set sales "goals," but few who are prepared to change their daily behaviours and develop systems that will guarantee more sales. Systems make success automatic, but can be uncomfortable, even painful, at first.
In the end, I recommend focusing on systems. Goals excite the imagination and give us a preview of coming attractions, but systems are the golden path to ultimate success. Systems give us control and empower us immediately. Systems will open doors and give you the life you truly want.
Here’s to your success!

 "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: "

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Top 10 Ways to Coach Yourself to Total Success!

Coaching is about being your best. It’s about performance, about “staying the course” and, in the end, about creating and living the life you really want. Many people use coaches to make more money, win the gold prize or do something dramatic. That’s fun, and when it’s right, it’s wonderful!
But most importantly, coaching is about living up to your own standards. It is, in Henry Thoreau’s famous words, about “marching to the beat of your own drum, no matter how faint or far away.” So, do I recommend you have a personal coach? Well, duh! 
But if you can’t afford one, or aren’t ready for one, why not be your own coach? Here are a few suggestions: 
1.   Write down your goals.  Review and re-write them once a week. This is old advice, but there is power and magic in writing your goals on paper! Write them down, then review them, think about them and up-date them every week. It may only take 20 minutes, but it will double your rate of success, I guarantee it! 
2.  Show up!  Many of life’s most important achievements simply require that we show up, pay attention, tell the truth, work hard, go the extra mile, and do our best! Superior performance is not about the future, or the past. It’s about doing a superior job right now, on the work that lies right in front of you.
3.   Eliminate Distractions.  Keep your eye on the ball. Life is full of frustrations and distractions. Successful people do NOT tolerate the things that drive most of crazy – they take the time to stop, solve the problem and eliminate the distraction once and for all. Stay focused!
4.   Manage your environment.  Top performers know that space management is more important than time management, and they have neat offices, clean cars, orderly appointment books, and they keep an extra suit at the office, just in case. Make your office (and your home) a space where you can do your very best work.
5.   Read every day.  Read something useful, challenging or fun every day. If you only spend 20 minutes with a book that motivates, excites and educates you, it will make a world of difference. I promise! Aim to read at least one book every month!
6.  Attend a “University on Wheels”.  Listen to educational, motivational and fun tapes while you drive. At least listen to soothing, appropriate music, rather than the “terror of the day” on talk radio! Fill your mind with the BEST information you can find!
7.  Use a Master-Mind group.  The term refers to a group of people who are committed to helping you be successful.  Often, they meet once a week. Think of them as your “Advisory Committee”. Bounce ideas off them, ask them for advice, let them coach you!
8.  Focus on values.  Take time every week to review your values, the things that cost you nothing, but make life worth living. Write them down, share them with a friend, and remind yourself of what’s most important to you. Remembering your values will get you back on course!
9.  Play more!  Play a game of tennis, wrestle with the dog, shoot hoops with the kid next door. Laugh, get sweaty, have fun. It doesn’t cost; it pays!
10. Practice Gratitude!  Periodically, ask yourself how many “good” days you’ve had this week. Notice what made the good ones good, and do more of the good stuff! And, be grateful. "I was angry that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet."
Even the most sophisticated modern cruise ships must constantly monitor their course. On our last cruise, Mary and I took a tour of the bridge, and were told the ship had no less than 5 automatic navigation computers, and that at least 2 officers were on duty at all times. Why the redundancy? Because having a cruise ship get lost, even briefly, is a very bad thing!
How many navigation systems do you use to guide your path? Having a handful of books, journals, friends and daily routines to “coach” you is not expensive, it’s the best investment you’ll ever make! Set up routines and use the best resources you can find to stay on course. Coach yourself to the top!
Here’s to your success!

 "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: "

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The Top 10 Ways to Keep Passion in Your Relationship

All long-term relationships go through a variety of phases. There is the initial dating and courtship and infatuation period. If the relationship continues, it settles into a more stable time of building a history as a couple. If children enter the picture, that is a new phase. Later, there is another phase of being together as a mature couple with the wisdom of experience.
We all know that it is possible to keep passion, romance, excitement and sexual intensity alive through the years, but we also know that many relationships settle into a kind of friendly (or not so friendly) roommate situation. Every relationship has it’s ups and downs, but there are tools that can keep passion perking right along. Here are 10 of them:
  1. Be kind.  I’m writing this on a cruise ship and it’s fascinating to watch people grouch at their spouses, then turn around and share a friendly smile with a stranger. We tend to take family and best friends for granted. A smile, a wink, just a moment of kindness goes a long way.

  2. Be attentive.  Paying attention to the details of life is important. Pick up your own trash, and pick up for each other. Put things away, help each other with the small projects around the house. These things are the currency of love.

  3. Be gracious.  Small surprises can create huge rewards in a relationship. I think of it as the "Martha Stewart Effect". Taking a moment to put on a clean shirt before dinner, or using the good china, or cutting a flower from the garden and putting it on the table, are examples. All these things add color, spice, and graciousness to our lives.

  4. Be patient.  We all have bad days. It happens. When it happens to your spouse, be smart! Take the kids to the park for an hour, order Chinese take-out for dinner. Give him/her a break! This is the reality of life. Allow for it.

  5. Be honest.  Tell the truth about your feelings, and do it promptly and in a respectful, effective way. Share your disappointments and fears, but also share dreams, hopes, and gratitudes. Keeping secrets kills passion.

  6. Be funny!  Life seems to have supply its own stress and worry, but we have to provide the humor on our own. Share a joke, take time to tickle each other or rent a funny movie, and do it often. The couple that laughs together, often does other fun stuff together, too!

  7. Be flexible.  Over a lifetime, people change. Hopefully, your relationship will change and grow and mature with as you change. One of you will change careers, the other will change religions. One will have an illness, the other will make a mistake. Relationships either bend and flex with the winds of life, or they break.

  8. Be generous.  I’ve saved the best for last. After a survey of dozens of couples, the big 3 items that showed up over and over began with "give little gifts". Surprise each other with flowers, candy, a card, or other gift. Do it often. Do it for no particular reason. Do it because you love each other and thought it would be nice to show it with a gift.

  9. Be available.  The second of the "big 3" was "take time for each other". Schedule time to walk and talk, go for drives in the country, go to dinner and see a movie together. Dozens of couples ranked time together as the most critical component in keeping romance and passion alive.

  10. Be physical.  This is about sensuality perhaps more than sexuality. Couples talked about the importance of scents, of candles and flowers and walks on the beach. They talked about making love, but mostly they talked about back rubs and holding hands, and creating memories. They talked about getting dressed up and going out, and they talked about skinny-dipping. They talked about being playful and finding their own way. You can do this!
Someone has said, "Life is what happens while you were making other plans." Romance is about real life, not about dreams and fantasies of the perfect partner, someday on a Pacific island. Romance and passion are about taking time to enjoy the company of the person you love. Have fun. Do it today!

  "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: "

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Top 10 Tips for More Fun and Better Health

Professionals and small business/home office workers have tremendous freedom to schedule their days, arrange the furniture, choose the music and take care of themselves at work. Unfortunately, they also have all the responsibilities, make all the decisions, and carry all the burdens. The result is too often we forget to take care of ourselves. Use the advantages you have! The following tips can make the day go easier and help you work smarter, better and healthier.
  1. In the morning, limit caffeine to one cup. Or better yet, switch to herbal teas! Start out calm and you’re more likely to stay that way through the day.

  2. Use up-beat music and humor (I love my daily Far Side calendar!) to get your morning off to a great start.

  3. Make sure your first appointment of the day is a great one! Meet a friend for breakfast, greet co-workers with a big smile, schedule a favorite client first thing in the morning. Start the day with some fun!

  4. At mid-morning, stand up, stretch and move around, at least for a moment. Take several deep breaths, wave your hands above your head, be silly, dance a jig, move your body!

  5. Eat a light lunch of fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. The traditional soup and salad is great, or a half-sandwich and an apple. Your body needs sustenance, not a heavy load, so lighten up!

  6. Take a few minutes during your lunch break to do something totally different: read poetry, call an old friend, take a nap, go for a run. What you do is not as important as getting your mind and body away from your work. Take a real break!

  7. During the afternoon, stand up and stretch at least once every hour. Gently arch your back, touch your toes, or touch the sky. Turn your head from side to side, and take some deep cleansing breaths. And while you’re at it, smile!

  8. When stress and work pile up, take a mini-vacation. Close the door (or go to the restroom, or a broom closet if you have to!) but get alone, close your eyes, and imagine a tropical island, or your favorite picnic spot.   Life is good! Breath slowly, and relax.

  9. Once a day, do something "extra" – call an old client to check in, thank a colleague for a referral, send a note to a friend. Have fun with this. Make it a game to combine business with pleasure and broaden your circle of contacts. (Hint: Send a quick 'thinking of you" email!  People love 'em!)

  10. At the end of the day, clean off your desk, and straighten up the office. The janitor will do the routine stuff, but take pleasure in closing down for the day. Develop a routine that signals the end of the day, it’s time to quit, time to go home.
"Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: "

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sarah Burke: Cause of Canadian Skier's Death and Funeral Arrangements

It was sad news for the ski world that the Four-time Winter X Games champion Sarah Burke died at the young age of 29 in hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah on Thursday, January 19, 2012, nine days after suffering serious injuries during a training session at the Park City Mountain Resort superpipe, Utah.
The Canadian freestyle skier had been in a coma shortly after her tragic ski accident last week. According to doctors, although Sarah Burke underwent major surgery, she passed away of irreversible brain damage, which is the result of lacking of oxygen and blood after she went into cardiac arrest.
Sarah Burke was known as a talented freestyle skier from Canada, who was claimed as a pioneer in her sport, starting out and leading it in its very infancy. Winning goal medals in the Winter X-Games and World Free Style Skiing Championships, but Sarah Burke left behind her husband, fellow skier Rory Bushfield. Sarah Burke’s family are quickly preparing for her funeral. Funeral arrangements for Sarah Burke will be announced as soon as possible.
Sarah Burke’s love of freestyle skiing started early. Let’s review pictures of Sarah Burke throughout her career

Freestyle skier Sarah Burke performed her excellent skill during the FIS world championships on February 5, 2011 in Park City, Utah
Freestyle skier Sarah Burke performed her excellent skill during the FIS world championships on February 5, 2011 in Park City, Utah

Sarah Burke starting skiing with her family when she was five years old
Sarah Burke starting skiing with her family when she was five years old

The 2011 season was a tragic year for Sarah Burke. The talented skier died at the young age of 29 on January 19, 2012
The 2011 season was a tragic year for Sarah Burke. The talented skier died at the young age of 29 on January 19, 2012

Irreversible brain damage is blamed Sarah Burke’s cause of death. The skier will go down as one of the legends of the ski community
Irreversible brain damage is blamed Sarah Burke’s cause of death. The skier will go down as one of the legends of the ski community

Sarah Burke received a golden medal in the women’s superpipe competition in 2009. Burke won four straight Winter X Games titles
Sarah Burke received a golden medal in the women’s superpipe competition in 2009. Burke won four straight Winter X Games titles

Skier Sarah Burke posed for pictures at the 30th Annual Salute To Women in Sports Awards on October 13, 2009 in New York City
Skier Sarah Burke posed for pictures at the 30th Annual Salute To Women in Sports Awards on October 13, 2009 in New York City

Sarah Burke bit her halfpipe gold medal at the World Cup finals in Valmalenco, Italy in 2008
Sarah Burke bit her halfpipe gold medal at the World Cup finals in Valmalenco, Italy in 2008

Burke made a run on her way to victory at the Winter X Games in 2007. She was famous as one of the most talented athletes on skis
Burke made a run on her way to victory at the Winter X Games in 2007. She was famous as one of the most talented athletes on skis

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Author Description :Mary Rose is currently a lecturer on society. In her free time, Mary is fond of joining social activities. Her goal is to provide up-to-date news and articles on society and culture.
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Self improvement Tips to Be a Better Person

Who wouldn’t want to become a better person? Who wouldn’t like to achieve inner peace and a positive mindset to help us deal with life’s challenges? You might be thinking, though, that self improvement is a pipe dream. But the truth is, it is quite achievable if you put your mind and heart into it. If you incorporate good habits, thoughts and deeds into your daily routine, attaining personal growth will be a cinch. Below are examples of the small but significant things you can do to unleash the winner in you.

1. Get fit and look your best. Self improvement should include both your inner and outer aspects. Life coaches who espouse personal growth just can’t stress enough the importance of looking and feeling the best you can be physically. The premise is that when you are at your physical best, you develop self confidence. You will be willing to meet new people and you can turn something as mundane as shopping for clothes into a nice experience. No longer will you have to ask for a larger size and endure the smirks of sales people! So get on an exercise program and start eating healthy. Don’t do anything drastic, though. If you haven’t worked out in a long time, you can start off by walking around your neighborhood three times a day, for a few minutes each day. Don’t be in a rush to get fit right way; otherwise, you might only do yourself harm.

2. Don’t feel guilty about treating yourself. Self improvement is also about taking care of your wants, not just your needs. You deserve a treat every now and then, and you don’t even need a special occasion to justify your purchase. You worked hard for your money and you earned it honestly; hence, you have the right to enjoy it. It will be good for your morale and personal growth to experience the fruits of your labor, such as a new purse, outfit, steak dinner or even a massage at a day spa. The occasional indulgence – as long as it’s not financially excessive – will inspire you to work harder so you can continue to treat yourself every now and then.

3. Be generous. Being generous doesn’t mean you have to give money or material things to other people. You can be generous with your time. Cap off your self improvement efforts by reaching out to those in need. Volunteer time at an orphanage or home for the elderly. Helping others will do so much wonders for your spirit and personal growth. It will give you a sense of fulfillment that no material acquisition can ever match. Do what you can to bring a smile to other people’s faces for a better you and a better world.

4. Don’t be a control freak. It’s normal to want to always be in control, but in some situations, we need to learn to let go of things we can’t change. It’s not healthy to dwell on circumstances beyond our control, so instead, focus on what you can do and move on. If Plan A doesn’t work, move to Plan B. We don’t always get what we want in life.

5. Laugh it off. Make self improvement fun by developing a great sense of humor. Personal growth should include plenty of laughter to make life more exciting. When you learn to not take things too seriously and see the humor in even the most awkward and embarrassing situations, your days will be lighter and it will be easier for you to build great memories. So the next time you commit a boo-boo, apologize and laugh it off. And when someone else commits the error, laugh with him, not at him.

Self improvement will always be a work in progress. Life is dynamic and will continue to present us with all sorts of challenges. So rise to the challenge, take life head on and enjoy the ride to personal growth. Don’t stop moving, don’t stop learning. Good luck and enjoy the journey.

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How To Have Unsinkable Hope

When unsettling times occur, your emotions can get the best of you. Fear and doubt can creep in and the feeling of hope seems to be lost.

When faced with a problem have unsinkable hope.

Whether it's hope for yourself or another person, it may appear to be out of reach or just beyond your grasp, but rest assure, it's not.

Your thoughts can be pretty tricky and quite believable sometimes. They may even seem as if they grab hold of you and you find yourself plummeting to the darkest and doubtful places in yourself.

You can feel overcome with worry, second guessing, hopelessness, uncertainty, panic, and even catastrophic thinking.

In the murky waters of your emotions unsinkable hope may appear to be sunk.

It may not always be easy to change your doubts and fears, but it is possible.

You will probably have to have a pep talk with yourself from time to time. Be determined and committed to elevating and alleviating the negative and worrisome thoughts that want to hold on and keep you down to ones of being hopeful and positive.

One of the most difficult things to do, especially when you are in the midst of your emotions, is to take 100% responsibility for the position you are taking in regards to what is occurring.

You are in charge of remaining hopeful or hopeless. Feel the difference between the two. Which one emits promise?

It's not about disregarding what you are feeling but rather it's moving through it in a more positive way.

When you are fearful or uncertain, possibility thinking turns into problem thinking but with that being said, another thought can also bring about hope once again.

How can you be optimistic when you are in the throws and shadows of pessimistic thinking? Through awareness.

When you recognize that your thoughts are negative, destructive, hopeless, etc., you can say, "Stop. Enough is enough. This way of thinking is not helping me or anyone else".

After you acknowledge what's going on, then you are on your way out of the darkness into lighter and possibility thinking again.

There is no doubt that some days will certainly be easier than others, but remember there is another way, another thought, that can change what you are focusing on.

You may have to remind yourself, especially if you tend to be more of a doubter than a believer, that the thoughts you are replaying in your mind are being sent out into the Universe.

Old mindsets aren't easily persuaded, but with awareness they can be changed.

If you have the ability to doubt and lose faith, you also have the capability to believe and have unsinkable hope.

As hard as it might be sometimes, don't allow your emotions to diminish your hopes.

When you realize you are being doubtful or fearful, then you can make a choice to change your way of thinking.

When you are feeling afraid or not sure of what to do, you can ask for help.

You can call a friend or family member and tell them you are having a difficult time.

You can pray, meditate, re-write the way you are viewing things, go for a walk, or watch or read something inspiring.

Acknowledge the way you are feeling, then be willing to let it go. Don't allow it to sink your unsinkable hope for another minute! Thanks, but no thanks.

"Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every man". Victor Hugo

You can use these techniques to assist you in moving through fear, doubt, worry, and uncertainty through unsinkable hope.


Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach

of The Insight Technique. She founded the Insight Technique - Your

Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself

and others in transforming limiting mindsets.

Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of

unlimited possibilities.

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Letting Go of Everything That Is Not You

Many of us live with an internal struggle of wondering who we really are and trying to please others. To be truly happy you have to let go of everything that is not you.

Human beings are prone to feelings of uncertainty from time to time. Some of us experience these qualms only occasionally whilst for others it is an almost perpetual state. If you fall within the latter category then you will appreciate that this feeling is rather uncomfortable to say the least.

Nobody should have to live with this type of discomfort and there is no need to do so if you are willing to step back and examine what has made you how you are today. Your experience now is in fact the effect of the sum total of your beliefs and expectations. If your beliefs and expectations do not sit comfortably upon your shoulders then it is likely that they do not reflect who you really are.

In self-exploration, you might discover that your beliefs and expectations are struggling against your true nature and denying who you really are. Many of us harbor beliefs that are erroneous. Many of us have expectations that are based upon what we think others would like to see in us but are not reflective of our own true desires or beliefs.

So as to be true to yourself there comes a time when it is appropriate to let go of everything that is not you. Every human being is both molded and malleable to a great degree, but there comes a point where our own nature is no longer willing to be stretched or prodded into someone else's idea of conformity.

Many people are frightened though by the prospect of letting go of beliefs and expectations that they have harbored for so long. They are scared too of what other people might think of them. We are undeniably creatures who inherently crave approval. We fear loss of approval and loss of face, both of which are demonstrative of love. Love is the basic feeling that we most desire.

But unless we allow our true nature to shine through we will never have a true feeling of self-love. And unless we love ourselves, we will not be able to really believe that anyone else will love us either.

You can see the chicken and egg of this situation can't you? We cling to what approval we can get from others and are loath to let go of what we have for fear of losing out on that love, but in that very act of clinging on we deny our true nature and therefore deny ourselves of true love.

There is an additional fear. We worry about what our true nature really is. Who are you once those erroneous beliefs and false expectations are released? It is only by the act of stripping away those layers of beliefs and expectations that you will discover your true nature, your own uniqueness and individuality. In the act of releasing false thought processes you experience the freedom and joy of being true to yourself and comfortable in your own skin.

Hypnosis is an enabling and empowering state of mind for those who wish to embark upon and succeed in the voyage of self-discovery, self-love and self-realization. Hypnosis can truly open your mind to your true and inherent potential.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis confidence mp3 downloads.

P.S. Discover how you can focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.

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Self Help Guidelines That Can Improve Every Aspect You Will Ever Have!

Author: harrytan
Personal development involves setting goals in order to feel happier and healthier. By using your strengths, you can hone in on weaknesses and improve. Taking more time to do things you enjoy can reduce stress, as well. Read this article for some more tips on how to use personal development to your benefit.

Depression can cause people to retreat from their normal routines, activities, and social groups. Incidentally, when you are most tempted to sever your ties, that is exactly when you should muster all of your strength and continue to participate whether you feel up to it or not. Understand that isolating yourself will only create more pain and stress. You may approach friends or family and ask them to offer the motivation and support needed to remain tethered to your normal activities.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is talk to God. We always try to handle everything ourselves, and we should make a point to involve God first thing. He is the priority and without him we can do nothing. Call on him first!

Acknowledge your flaws and mistakes. Don't shy away from them for the sake of positivity. Willful ignorance will weaken you more than any flaw or mistake ever could. Positive change can come from examining your shortcomings and turning them into areas where you can learn and grow. People respect and trust someone who can admit when they've done wrong.

The first step to personal development is to have the determination to improve. Without the motivation and drive, you are not going to get very far. Set goals on which aspects you want to improve on and do not give up, not matter how hard it may seem.

A great personal development tip is to always think before uttering a word. When you do this, you avoid saying anything that might slip out by accident. In addition, thinking before speaking allows you to develop your thoughts in a more articulate and cohesive way. Therefore, your contributions will likely be of higher quality.

Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. In order to do this, you must first love yourself. If you do not love yourself, then it is impossible for you to love anyone else. This does not mean you go overboard with loving yourself. This means you "truly" love yourself so that you can show that same true love to others.

Are you a positive or negative thinker? Listen to your inner voice for the answer. If you constantly focus on the negative, then you could be sabotaging the outcome of a goal you wish to reach. Listen to the positive voice that tells you you can do something, and ignore the negative voice that says you can't.

If you do not want to follow the herd, remember to ask questions. The fact is that many people accept the way the world is unquestionably, which can lead to a feeling of being unfulfilled. If you ask questions and take only the things of value that are offered to you, you'll be more likely to internalize only beneficial ideas.

Find the areas in your life that you lack confidence the most. If you take the time to plan what areas you are lacking confidence in, you will find that it is easier to gain the confidence in those areas, rather than trying to gain overall confidence in all things in your life.

Schedule time for your personal development to make sure it does not get lost in the chaos of daily activities. Developing yourself takes effort and commitment and deliberately scheduling time for development activities gives them the importance they deserve. Whether you schedule short blocks or longer ones, the key is to make your personal development a documented priority.

Carry yourself with pride. Personal development may be an intimate process, but you will find yourself walking with more confidence if you present a cohesive image to the world around you. Trying on new ways to project your true self allows you to toy with self-expression and builds your self confidence in the process.

Get a pet. Pets can provide an outlet for your love, but more than that, they can teach you how to be a better person. Observe their willingness to be silly and to play. Watch how simply they stay focused on their goals even if met with resistance. A pet can be an excellent teacher of staying true to oneself.

In order to improve yourself, you first have to accept humility. If you are arrogant and think that you know everything already, you will never learn and develop into a better person. Once you realize that what you know is actually very little in the scope of this world, you are ready to grow in knowledge and wisdom.

Taking the time to learn about developing yourself is, in itself, a step forward in personal growth. Many people shirk help and advice in an effort to do it themselves, come what may. Use all the advice you can get and utilize it to make yourself grow as a person. You will thank yourself in the end.

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Lack Is A Dangerous Thing

Author: Shamala Tan
Today's sharing has more of a spiritual slant. I like to share about the types of lessons we learn in life, specifically the two types I have in mind.

Often times we get confused, we think certain lessons or challenges that we encounter are of the evolutionary kindwhen in fact they may just be lessons in which we have created because we are just not willing to learn, hence we experience them over and over again creating a karmic cycle.

The two types of lessons are: the evolutionary kind and then there are the types of lessons that are more emotionally dramatic in nature.

The first type of lesson come about when we have reached a certain point of growth and development in our lives -- this could be on the spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical level. These lessons push us out of our comfort zone and enable us to move forward to help us to evolve. These lessons and challenges are self empowering that allows us to be better than what we are used to. And definitely enabling us to reach our highest potential.

And then there is the other type of lesson. This other type of lessons are basically self-created in a disempowering way. Often times they are emotionally dramatic and they are not of the evolutionary nature. They are more like 'paying off a debt' kind of lessons, if you know what I mean. They are not sins, mind you, but more like the repetition of same lessons over and over again. Why is the person repeating the same lessons? Several reasons -- laziness, can't be bothered, enjoying being a victim, inertia, fear of responsibilities, energy and emotional leeching, arrogance, stubbornness and so on.

Sometimes these lessons may seem like they are the evolutionary kind especially if the person is on a spiritual path but the problem is this person is not evolving on the mental or emotional level. And even their world view of their physical reality is stagnated. They are always attracting the same kinds of emotional and mental lessons in the area of money, relationships or job/career/purpose.

And these issues are base level types of lessons, an example of this is the challenge of having only $10 in the pocket to survive till the end of the month repeating itself consistently 20 years later. When there is no development in this area, we can be sure there is no progress on the spiritual level either! It can be easy to assume that one is growing when one is challenged in life.

I have learned that it could well be there is no growth and that is why one is challenged! I find that the best way to understand and know which sort of lessons you are experiencing is to simply ask yourself if these lessons in which you recently encountered involve the same issues you experienced not too long ago? Or maybe they involve the same people as well? Are they emotionally draining and you are looking for quick fixes or worse still you simply choose to ignore the issue and hoping it will be swept under the carpet?

If the lessons are new and perhaps the last time you experienced them felt like a lifetime ago, then you are probably experiencing a more evolutionary type of lessons. But the tricky thing is often times when lessons that manifests that are of the evolutionary nature can make us feel so out of our comfort zone we may just retreat thinking they are warning signs from the Universe not to go there.

Whatever nature the lessons may be, your passport out of either the 'pay your debt' types of lessons or the evolutionary lessons is to have the courage leap frog out of there!


Shamala Tan is the founder of a system devoted to teaching teaching spiritual small business entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently create abundance and resources in their lives in order to manifest, fulfill and expand their life's mission. You may contact Shamala at

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Hiring a Life Coach? 5 Reasons Why It's a Great Idea

Author: Tony Mase

Wouldn't it be great to have a trusted confidant that could help you make major life decisions and provide enough encouragement for you to get through the trials and tribulations of daily life?
A life coach is designed to do just that!
Life coaching is something more and more people are turning to - not just to help them through the tough times, but to help them get on a more productive path all around. When you work with a life coach, it doesn't mean you're "weak" or "fragile". Instead, it means you're dedicated to making your life as great as it can possibly be.
So, why's it such a great idea for you to hire a life coach?
1. Life coaching can help boost your self esteem.
Life coaches don't tell you what to do; they work with you to come up with answers, solutions, and tips for having a healthier, more successful life. When you're part of that team, it gives you more confidence. After all, knowing you have someone that supports you and who'll be there when you need them can give you the self esteem you need to make tough decisions or changes that'll make you happier.
Plus, just the idea of knowing you're actively working towards making yourself better can make you feel a whole lot better about yourself!
2. A life coach can help you advance in your career.
Quality life coaching can help you stay focused and prevent you from succumbing to stress. That way, you can have the attitude you need to make that new promotion, new job, or new raise all yours.
3. Life coaching can help you move on from the tough times.
We don't always know how to cope with the adversity that comes our way. If you're dealing with something tough - like the death of a loved one, the end of a marriage, or the loss of a job - a life coach can make the transition much easier. A good coach can help you learn how to cope and develop productive ways for you to move forward.
4. A life coach can help you get over a fear.
Are you afraid to fly, but you want to go on a family vacation? Are you scared of dogs, but your son has his heart set on getting one?
If you feel like fear is holding you back from getting something you really want, life coaching can help you overcome it. Good life coaches can help give you the strength you need to forget about your fear and move forward in a positive direction.
5. Life coaching can help you overcome disorganization.
Maybe you're always missing work deadlines or you always feel like you're trying to play catch-up around the house. By working with a life coach, you can work on developing new habits and get some valuable time-management tips.

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Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D. Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness, love, and more. Check it out now at:

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Reading Good Quotes Affects Our Brain Positively

Author: Faishal Khan

Hi all, it is proved scientifically that reading good and affirmative thought improves our productivity and we fell more positive and happy. Reading good and positive thought affects our brain, our nervous system and our whole surroundings in a positive manner. Here I am giving you a collection of few good quotes with a little description of each quote. Hope you enjoy them all.
Quote "The greatest achievement is to outperform yourself."- Denis Waitley
Description- our best challenge is to do better than our abilities. The greatest achievement is to compete with yourself and beat you and become better than before. We should increase the domain of our thinking and work harder to perform better than we think we are capable of. Our capabilities and abilities are much more than we think of, just we have to increase our thinking level and believe in our self that we can achieve much better than we are at present.
Quote "Problems are only opportunities in work clothes."
Henry J. Kaiser
DISCRIPTION- the quote states that problems are the opportunities which comes to our life to makes us stronger and a better person. We can only overcome any problem by working on the solution. If we keep on thinking about the problem it will never be solved and it will create more problems. If we work and overcome the problem our self-confidence increases and we feel more energetic and self-determined.
Quote - "The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy."
Jim Rohn
DISCRIPTION- Many times we set some boundaries for our self just to stay away from sadness and unhappiness. We feel and think that if we keep our self in a limited domain we will feel happy. But the real fact is happiness increase when we increases our domain of thinking go beyond to take more risks in life and work. Happiness doesn't comes by keeping our self and our thinking limited to a particular domain but it increases by facing challenges, overcoming obstacles and thinking positive in every aspect of life.
Quote - "focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." - Greg Anderson
DISCRIPTION- We all want to become something wants to achieve something and have some goals/aims in our life. We always feel that whenever we achieve our goals then we will be happy, but the real happiness is in the process through which we achieve that thing. Happiness is in the journey of success not the destination. During the journey of success an individual have to overcome obstacle, challenges and many problems. Overcoming al the obstacles makes him more self-confident and therefore he feels happier.

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Get More details about these topics by visiting Keep Your Head up Quotes more over don't miss to get the latest update knowledge about various Regret Quotes you can also Check the Strong Women Quotes Portal.

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Motivating Words Improves Our Performance

Author: Faishal Khan

Motivating words have a kind of power within them, after reading a set of good thoughts and affirmative words, our self confidence increases, we feel more focused and directed towards our goals. Motivating and inspirational words are the reservoir of energy and strength.
Here I am giving you a collection of good thoughts and try to describe them as well. Reading good thoughts must be a habit not a hobby. In today's world all around people are talking about negativity, frustration and unhappiness. To make our self calm, peaceful and happy we must apply some good thoughts in our life and keep our self away from any kind of negative emotions.
Quote - "Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."
Arnold Schwarzenegger
DISCRIPTION- power and strength come by overcoming challenges and difficult circumstances. We become braver and more powerful after overcoming struggles and fear. Our real inner strength tested and develops when we don't quit surrendering against obstacles and problems. The more we face challenges, problems in our life and overcome them the more we become more strenghtful.
Quote - "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou
DISCRIPTION- Every individual has his liking and disliking. If we like something we enjoy it, but if we don't like something and you feel it should be changed, so try to change it. If you are unable to change that thing and you are not happy with it, then change your thinking about it. If you don't like nature of a person then try to change the nature by telling him some good habits/points but if you are unable to change then make your mind that this person is having this kind of a nature only, so talk him keeping his nature in mind.
Quote - "Your attitude is either the lock on, or the key to the door of success." - Denis Waitley
DISCRIPTION- Our attitude is how we respond to a particular situation. Likewise our success in exams entirely depends upon the kind of attitude we have during our preparation for exams. If we have negative attitude like the exams are always boring, there is too much syllabus and teachers are not good then we can't get good marks. If we think positive that teacher give their best to prepare us for the exams, exams gives the opportunity to test our abilities and good study is must to make life successful, then we get good marks in exams and makes our career in good field.

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Get More details about these topics by visiting Strong Quotes more over don't miss to get the latest update knowledge about various Heart Touching Quotes you can also Check the Nice Quotes Portal.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Miley Cyrus Out for Liam Hemsworth's Birthday Dinner (Pictures)

Miley Cyrus couldn’t be separated from her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth while they were captured going out for a belated birthday dinner at the famous Mexican restaurant Casa Vega in Sherman Oaks, California on Wednesday night, January 18, 2012. The adorable couple, who kept close and intimate with each other all the time, enjoyed the Mexican feast with Miley Cyrus’s parents, Billy Ray and Tish along with their several friends.
The “Can’t Be Tamed” singer Miley Cyrus made herself warm up by donning a cozy sweater in mix with denim hot pants, boots and a black v-neck top. Meanwhile, her handsome beau Liam Hemsworth opted for a hoodie. Here are pictures of Miley Cyrus going out for Liam Hemsworth's birthday dinner at Casa Vega restaurant

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth looked super casual as they appeared at the popular Mexican restaurant Casa Vega for a belated birthday dinner on Wednesday night
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth looked super casual as they appeared at the popular Mexican restaurant Casa Vega for a belated birthday dinner on Wednesday night

The celebrity couple enjoyed the feast with Cyrus’s family and their some pals
The celebrity couple enjoyed the feast with Cyrus’s family and their some pals

Although Miley Cyrus joked to the paparazzi she allowed her to try some adult libations and had “too many margaritas” when she walked out of the restaurant, onlookers said that the 19-year-old singer didn’t drink a drop of alcohol. “Miley wasn’t drinking alcohol at all. She was with her family and friends having a great time; and Liam was definitely the center of attention,” the source said.

People put all eyes on Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus as the couple dining at the restaurant
People put all eyes on Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus as the couple dining at the restaurant
Miley and Liam have been dating for two years, since they were co-stars in the movie “The Last Song”. Although Miley Cyrus is only 19, the singer and her 22-year-old boyfriend Liam Hemsworth have become quite domesticated. Hemsworth turned 22 last week and the former Disney child star surprised the actor with a puppy for his birthday.

Young lovers Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus waiting outside the Sherman Oaks restaurant on January 18, 2012

Miley Cyrus didn’t drink a drop of alcohol during the evening
Miley Cyrus didn’t drink a drop of alcohol during the evening

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Author Description :Mary Rose is currently a lecturer on society. In her free time, Mary is fond of joining social activities. Her goal is to provide up-to-date news and articles on society and culture.
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Neil Patrick Harris and Boyfriend David Burtka Talk Love in Out Magazine February 2012

“How I Met Your Mother” actor Neil Patrick Harris and his longtime boyfriend David Burtka shared their sweet moments on the cover of Out’s February 2012. These photos are maybe the most intimate shots of the couple ever. The 39-year-old actor Harris and his partner also talked about their long-term love in the magazine. Patrick Harris said David Burtka is a classically sexy and great dynamic while David confessed that without Harris, he can not breathe. He shared "We have a really great recipe for a wonderful relationship, but we don’t want to be the poster boys for gay relationships. We’re not trying to pretend that we are perfect."
Neil Patrick Harris is openly gay, confirming this in November 2006. Harris and David Burtka were first spotted together when they attended the Emmy awards in September 2007. A short time later, Harris and David comfirmed their relationship and got engaged in June 2011.The couple are the parents of 15-year-old twins, son Gideon Scott and daughter Harper Grace.

Neil Patrick Harris, 39, and his partner David Burtka, 37, posed for Out magazine and gave an in depth relationship in the February issue about their romance.
Neil Patrick Harris, 39, and his partner David Burtka, 37, posed for Out magazine and gave an in depth relationship in the February issue about their romance.

The couple looked happy together in the photo shoot. Neil Patrick Harris fixed David’s tie.
The couple looked happy together in the photo shoot. Neil Patrick Harris fixed David’s tie.

David Burtka kissed on Neil Patrick Harris’s neck.
David Burtka kissed on Neil Patrick Harris’s neck.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka shared a romantic moment on the February 2012 cover of Out magazine.
Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka shared a romantic moment on the February 2012 cover of Out magazine.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka have been together for 5 years. They are the parents of 15-month-old twins. In June, 2011, Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka were spotted celebrating their first Father Day with their twins Gideon Scott and Harper Grace in Sherman Oaks, California.
Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka have been together for 5 years. They are the parents of 15-month-old twins. In June, 2011, Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka were spotted celebrating their first Father Day with their twins Gideon Scott and Harper Grace in Sherman Oaks, California.

Recently, the 39-year-old actor Neil Patrick Harris and his man David Burtka attended 2012 People’s Choice Awards held at Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles on January 12. At the award show, Neil Patrick Harris won the “Favorite TV Comedy Actor” award for his role in “How I Met Your Mother”. The film won “Favorite Network TV Comedy” as well.
Recently, the 39-year-old actor Neil Patrick Harris and his man David Burtka attended 2012 People’s Choice Awards held at Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles on January 12. At the award show, Neil Patrick Harris won the “Favorite TV Comedy Actor” award for his role in “How I Met Your Mother”. The film won “Favorite Network TV Comedy” as well.

Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka on The Chew

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Author Description :Mary Rose is currently a lecturer on society. In her free time, Mary is fond of joining social activities. Her goal is to provide up-to-date news and articles on society and culture.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chris Brown’s Girlfriend 2012: Karrueche Tran is An Aspiring Model (Pictures)

Karrueche Tran is an American promising model from Los Angeles who is best-known for her relationship with R&B singer Chris Brown. According to US Magazine, Chris Brown and Rihanna have been hooking up in secret for nearly a year but Brown’s representative said they were just good friends. And it seems Karrueche Tran is fully aware that her man is cheating with his world-famous ex whenever he can. She shared she “will not give him up for a few discretion."
On January 12, 2012 Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran were reported to spend time together when a witness spotted them "dirty dancing" on the balcony of his Hollywood Hills home. Afterwards, Brown escorted his love to a hair appointment at Salon Sessions, in Pasadena, California.

Karrueche Tran was born in 1988 and grew up in Los Angeles, America. According to her official modeling profile, Karrueche is 5’1″ and 100 pounds, and she doesn’t do nudes.
Karrueche Tran was born in 1988 and grew up in Los Angeles, America. According to her official modeling profile, Karrueche is 5’1″ and 100 pounds, and she doesn’t do nudes.

Karrueche Tran looks hot in a green two-piece.
Karrueche Tran looks hot in a green two-piece.

Karrueche Tran is interested in tattoos. Her taste in tattoos isn’t dolphins or butterflies – she likes quotes. Among the ones she has had tattooed on her are “The past is practice,” “Where there is love, there is life,” and “An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.”

Karrueche Tran and R&B singer Chris Brown were reported to begin dating in the spring of 2011.
Karrueche Tran and R&B singer Chris Brown were reported to begin dating in the spring of 2011.

Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown were hand in hand attending Chris Brown's
Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown were hand in hand attending Chris Brown's "F.A.M.E." album release dinner at Abe & Arthur's on March 22, 2011 in New York City

Karrueche Tran and his famous boyfriend Chris Brown were all smiles as they walked at Richmond International Airport.
Karrueche Tran and her famous boyfriend Chris Brown were all smiles as they walked at Richmond International Airport.

According to a source, Chris Brown and Rihanna have been hooking up in secret but this rumor seems to be not true. On January 12, 2012 Chris Brown was spotted escorting his current girlfriend Karrueche Tran to a hair appointment at Salon Sessions in California.
According to a source, Chris Brown and Rihanna have been hooking up in secret but this rumor seems to be not true. On January 12, 2012 Chris Brown was spotted escorting his current girlfriend Karrueche Tran to a hair appointment at Salon Sessions in California.

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Author Description :Mary Rose is currently a lecturer on society. In her free time, Mary is fond of joining social activities. Her goal is to provide up-to-date news and articles on society and culture.
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Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens Getting Cozy in Sydney Together (Pictures)

Over the past several weeks, Vanessa Hudgens has been unable to be separated from her boyfriend Austin Butler. However, the actress has recently been busy with her schedule to promote her new movie “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” with Josh Hutcherson. After attending the Melbourne premiere of the film on Sunday, the former couple of Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens together with costars Dwayne Johnnson and Michael Caine headed to Sydney, Australia for one another all week promoting the film.
Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Hutcherson spent time visiting Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach to pose for a media photo call and for pictures together while promoting their latest film on January 18, 2012.

Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Hutcherson were getting cozy in Sydney together as they posed for pictures promoting their new movie “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island”
Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Hutcherson were getting cozy in Sydney together as they posed for pictures promoting their new movie “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island”

Josh Hutcherson joined Vanessa Hudgens for a photocall promoting her new movie
Josh Hutcherson joined Vanessa Hudgens for a photocall promoting her new movie "Journey 2" in Sydney

Although Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens experienced a briefly romance last year, the two looked all smiles while posing for photos on a balcony nearby the beautiful and well-known Bondi Beach of Sydney. Vanessa was adorable in a blue backless dress while Josh looked elegant in a striped tank and jeans. The ex-couple looked fairly comfortable around each other as they put their arms around each other. However, the two declared that they are just friends.

Hutcherson and Hudgens at Bondi Beach in Sydney on January 18, 2012
Hutcherson and Hudgens at Bondi Beach in Sydney on January 18, 2012

Vanessa was adorable in a blue backless dress while Josh looked elegant in a striped tank and jeans
Vanessa was adorable in a blue backless dress while Josh looked elegant in a striped tank and jeans
“Journey 2” young stars Josh Hutcherson, 19, and Vanessa Hudgens, 23, were rumored to have dated briefly in 2011 during the making of the movie in Hawaii, but now Hudgens has been spotted getting close to Austin Butler, 20, since last September.

Vanessa and Josh were rumored to have dated briefly in 2011
Vanessa and Josh were rumored to have dated briefly in 2011

Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Hutcherson arrived in Sydney together for the latest screening of their latest film
Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Hutcherson arrived in Sydney together for the latest screening of their latest film
It was so interesting that an Australian TV show has recently asked Josh and Vanessa about their love affair as if it was still current. When being asked: “So how long have you been going on?”, both Josh and Vanessa were so embarrassed that they couldn’t reply immediately. Josh Hutcherson later explained: “We're not…We were at one point, but she broke my heart. No, I'm just kidding, that was a while ago, we're really good friends now.”

Josh and Vanessa dated and broke up last summer, but they were still intimate
Josh and Vanessa dated and broke up last summer, but they were still intimate

However, Josh Hutcherson declared he and Vanessa are just friends
However, Josh Hutcherson declared he and Vanessa are just friends

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Author Description :Mary Rose is currently a lecturer on society. In her free time, Mary is fond of joining social activities. Her goal is to provide up-to-date news and articles on society and culture.
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