Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lack Is A Dangerous Thing

Author: Shamala Tan
Today's sharing has more of a spiritual slant. I like to share about the types of lessons we learn in life, specifically the two types I have in mind.

Often times we get confused, we think certain lessons or challenges that we encounter are of the evolutionary kindwhen in fact they may just be lessons in which we have created because we are just not willing to learn, hence we experience them over and over again creating a karmic cycle.

The two types of lessons are: the evolutionary kind and then there are the types of lessons that are more emotionally dramatic in nature.

The first type of lesson come about when we have reached a certain point of growth and development in our lives -- this could be on the spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical level. These lessons push us out of our comfort zone and enable us to move forward to help us to evolve. These lessons and challenges are self empowering that allows us to be better than what we are used to. And definitely enabling us to reach our highest potential.

And then there is the other type of lesson. This other type of lessons are basically self-created in a disempowering way. Often times they are emotionally dramatic and they are not of the evolutionary nature. They are more like 'paying off a debt' kind of lessons, if you know what I mean. They are not sins, mind you, but more like the repetition of same lessons over and over again. Why is the person repeating the same lessons? Several reasons -- laziness, can't be bothered, enjoying being a victim, inertia, fear of responsibilities, energy and emotional leeching, arrogance, stubbornness and so on.

Sometimes these lessons may seem like they are the evolutionary kind especially if the person is on a spiritual path but the problem is this person is not evolving on the mental or emotional level. And even their world view of their physical reality is stagnated. They are always attracting the same kinds of emotional and mental lessons in the area of money, relationships or job/career/purpose.

And these issues are base level types of lessons, an example of this is the challenge of having only $10 in the pocket to survive till the end of the month repeating itself consistently 20 years later. When there is no development in this area, we can be sure there is no progress on the spiritual level either! It can be easy to assume that one is growing when one is challenged in life.

I have learned that it could well be there is no growth and that is why one is challenged! I find that the best way to understand and know which sort of lessons you are experiencing is to simply ask yourself if these lessons in which you recently encountered involve the same issues you experienced not too long ago? Or maybe they involve the same people as well? Are they emotionally draining and you are looking for quick fixes or worse still you simply choose to ignore the issue and hoping it will be swept under the carpet?

If the lessons are new and perhaps the last time you experienced them felt like a lifetime ago, then you are probably experiencing a more evolutionary type of lessons. But the tricky thing is often times when lessons that manifests that are of the evolutionary nature can make us feel so out of our comfort zone we may just retreat thinking they are warning signs from the Universe not to go there.

Whatever nature the lessons may be, your passport out of either the 'pay your debt' types of lessons or the evolutionary lessons is to have the courage leap frog out of there!


Shamala Tan is the founder of a system devoted to teaching teaching spiritual small business entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently create abundance and resources in their lives in order to manifest, fulfill and expand their life's mission. You may contact Shamala at


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