Thursday, January 19, 2012

Surviving Migraines: Parents Edition

By Mss. Emicrania

If you suffer with migraines you know that the pain can leave you stranded in bed for days with no sunlight, no noise, a sick stomach and nothing to do. If you are parent you know that sometimes giving yourself the rest that you need is impossible . . . especially if you have young children. It is often hard to find a quiet place when you have kids. You have to cook dinner. You have to be mom . . . in spite of your migraine. But what if you could do both?

Before your next migraine strikes read on to find our secret tips or surviving migraines and taking the stress out of migraine down time . . .

Work with your doctor.

The very first step to controlling your migraines is working with your doctor and discovering what triggers your attacks. Your doctor will be able to determine for certain if you have migraines and if he finds that you do suffer from vascular headaches he will prescribe a medication such as Prodrin, a prescription drug that is a combination of caffeine, Tylenol and a vascular relaxant.

Keep medication on hand.

If you have prescription medication for your migraines, be sure that you keep refills filled. If you do not have any prescription for your migraines, Excedrin Migraine is among the most popular brands for nixing migraines. However, many people report that the horrible nauseous if produces isn’t always worth it according to how bad the headache itself is. If you can’t stomach Excedrin, Tylenol and a cup of coffee are the equivalent without the churning stomach.

Talk to your kids about migraines.

In order for your children to respect your space when you have migraines, you need to first explain to them what a migraine actually is. While it depends on the child’s age at what extent they will understand, children of all ages are able to empathize. Work on educating your child so they understand that mommy needs quiet, darkened lights and rest. Check your local library for kid specific reads on migraines.

Enlist an emergency sitter.

Most migraines come out of nowhere though some people will have a sense of aurora which is the sensation of seeing halos around objects 24 hours prior to being struck with an attack. Because migraines are often unpredictable it’s a good idea to have a few names on hand who are willing to sit for your children when you are struck with a migraine. Having these names on hand will help to relieve some stress as well if you are a single parent who has no at home help when they come down with something.

Supply rewards.

Making your life easier isn’t always easy for kids. They are programmed to be playful, loud and active. But if you reward your child for doing their best it can make all the difference in the world when it comes to results. Try creating a box of prizes, snacks and books that are only taken from the closet when you need alone time to nurse a migraine. This frees you up to rest and also gives the kids a reason to work toward being considerate.

When it comes to migraines and being a parent, no matter how you try you may never have the total recovery time that an adult without children does. But with these helpful hints, a little creativity and a dedication to helping your kids understand your medical condition you can learn to cope with migraines in a way that makes both you and your children content.

About the Author: Mr.Emicrania


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