Personal relationships, whether romantic or platonic, are the bread and butter of life. How well you get to meet people and share experiences with them is an excellent gauge for your well-being. That said, relationships are not always a walk in the park. There will be times when you and the people you love will butt heads. Overcoming obstaclesjust comes with the package, and you will need to learn how to do so fairly and thoroughly. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
Communication is key
A lot of conflicts that occur between two people happen because of simple miscommunication. You may be saying one thing while your friend or partner may be interpreting it as something else. Because the other person misconstrued your meaning, their corresponding actions may not be to your liking, and a fight suddenly ignites. See how potentially dangerous a lack of clarity can be?
So, make sure every word shared between the two of you is crystal clear. Overcoming obstaclescan be done very easily just as long as you start saying what you mean. If you’re hesitant about what you have to say, don’t be. As long as you communicate with logic and honesty, you’re doing the right thing.
Be confident
Speaking of hesitation, a lack of confidence in relationships can be another big source of conflict. Your friend or partner needs to know that you think highly of yourself, of them, and of the relationship you two share. Showing confidence means that you place value in your shared experiences. If you exude shyness, hesitation, or apprehension, your friend or partner may see this is a sign that things are not working out well between you two.
When overcoming obstaclesrelated to this, then, start by showing a change in attitude. Be more positive around the people you love and respect. Be more enthusiastic when interacting with them. Take it upon yourself to suggest new experiences you can share, so you can prove that you highly value the time the two of you spend together. An experience can mean an expensive vacation abroad, or a simple dinner in the new restaurant down the block. Just show that you’re up for stuff and raring to go.
Keep your cool
In cases of particularly heated conflict, it’s best to break away and cool your head first before overcoming obstacles placed between you two. The worst thing you could possibly do in a relationship is to let your anger get the better of you. Anger is an incredibly selfish emotion, and if you want to resolve things as a team, then self-centered thoughts have to go out the door.
It’s not always true, for instance, that couples have to resolve all conflicts before going to bed. Rushing to a solution just so the both of you can already hit the sack doesn’t sound particularly wise. A lot of aspects of personal relationships require time, and this includes proper conflict resolution. Get some sleep. Start the day with a clear head. Make sure that the anger has dissipated significantly before broaching the topic of your fight again.
As long as you keep these three things in mind, the both of you will be fine. Best of luck!
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About the Author:
Leah Ryan has changed her life through the power of positive thinking. She also helps others, including her friends and family, in overcoming obstacles as well.
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