Freshman year in college can be a daunting experience. You’re away from home for the first time. You’re expected to keep your grades up or you risk losing your scholarship. Your roommate is the not the neatest person you know. Money is tight. But you don’t want to miss out on all the social events. It suddenly strikes you that freshman year is all about overcoming obstacles than having fun!
While it’s true that the first year in college can be riddled with stumbling blocks, they are certainly NOT insurmountable. Below are suggestions on how to survive your first year with flying colors.
Attend all those orientations. One easy way to assimilate yourself into college life is by going on those campus tours and welcome lectures. Familiarizing yourself with your surroundings, the key people and the culture can better prepare you for the challenges ahead.
Get acquainted with your roommates. Don’t expect to be best friends with them right away. Make an effort to break the ice and establish a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for all. Overcoming obstacles in college life can be made easier if you’re in good terms with the people in your immediate circle. They just might be able to provide you with the support you need in the future.
Find a comfortable place to study and do your homework. You need a comfortable atmosphere to concentrate and complete your tasks if you want to attain stellar grades. If studying in your own dorm is not ideal with all the noise coming in from the other students, go to the library and some other spot where you can work in peace.
Plan and prepare in advance. Know when all your assignments are due and organize them according to their respective deadlines. Plot the days that you will devote to assignments and stick to your own schedule.
If you think you need a tutor, get one. If you didn’t do so well in the last couple of tests, don’t panic. Get a tutor to whip you back into shape. Overcoming obstacles in college life doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Talk to your professors. Get to know them and seek their advice when you run into some snags with your project. Professors appreciate initiative and will gladly help a student who’s obviously eager to do well in their classes.
Manage your money well. Stick to a budget and watch the price tags on every single item you purchase. If your college friends invite you to a night out in town and you know you can’t afford it, tell them you’ll take a rain check until your personal finances will allow it.
You don’t have to do everything in your first year. You don’t have to decide right away what you want to major in. Don’t pressure yourself to sign up for every club you see. Give yourself time to adjust. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Be kind to yourself. There will be days when overcoming obstacles both big and small seem like an exercise in futility. Don’t let temporary setbacks get the better of you. Take a break, clear your mind, recharge, and then get back to what you were doing. Continue believing in yourself, work smart, stay focused and your efforts will be rewarded.
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About the Author:
Leah Ryan has changed her life using the power of positive thinking and has helped many people in overcoming obstacles. She is dedicated to helping people change their lives for the better.
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