Whether you're selling telephone directories or fabric shades, learning how to sell is one of the most important life skills you'll ever gain, whether or not you end up falling into a sales career. This is how to sell.
1. Tenacity
It seems obvious, but if you're going to achieve anything in life you need to keep trying and not to give up. Tenacity is one of the most important skills a salesman needs as people will very rarely say yes to him the first time he asks for the order. Indeed there are some people who don't really consider it to be selling unless an objection is overcome.
There is a balance however between repeatedly asking the same question in the same way and bulldozing your prospect or losing them entirely through obvious repetition. You need to find a different way to present your proposition and in effect ask what is the same question in a new manner and style.
2. Enthusiasm
Losing enthusiasm for a project is something that all salespeople have to be weary of. If you're not excited about your product or service then it's asking a bit much for your prospect to be as well. You need to be happy and authentic but excited about what you are offering.
One of the many tricks that professional sales people employ to maintain the excitement for themselves is to give themselves a new challenge with each pitch. This can be something very serious such as trying to sell a specific aspect of their product above all others or it can be much more fun such as naming all of Snow White's Seven Dwarves while presenting your product or service. It's just important to keep it fresh.
3. Understand Your Prospect
The more you know about your prospect the more you can tailor your approach to them. Whatever it is that they want, or want to avoid, you need to find this out so you can them explain how your product or service is a solution to what they are trying to achieve. If you can do this they will no longer see whatever you are selling as a telephone directory or some fancy words, but actually as something that will improve their business, make more sales and improve their life.
4. Study
We can learn many techniques for selling and often the best way to do that is in an environment completely different to that in which you normally operate. Outdoor classrooms offer just that opportunity, with much more fresh air being conducive for learning.
Clearly there is much more to selling than the three broad points that are outlined above, however, they are an excellent starting point.
Article Source: http://www.sooperarticles.com/self-improvement-articles/skill-learning-how-sell-779072.html
About Author:
Fabric Architecture Limited has been specialising in the design, engineering, manufacture and installation of tensile fabric structures since 1982. For more on outdoor shade sail visit http://www.fabricarchitecture.com/shade-structures
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